police bus and young people

Young people invited to help inform the future of policing

This in from the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Hayes, Ed

Applications are open until 4 March 2016 to those aged 14-25 in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to become a member of the Youth Commission.

The Youth Commission makes young people part of the solution to tackling crime and policing issues that are of most concern to them.

25 members across two counties
The Youth Commission currently consists of 25 members from across the two counties who provide opportunities for young people to inform, support and challenge the Police and Crime Commissioner’s work.

Simon Hayes, Police and Crime Commissioner, said:

“I set up the Youth Commission because I believe it’s important to take young peoples’ views into account. They are our future and will drive social change. I encourage any young person, including those who have direct experience of the police and justice systems to apply.”

Identifying issues
Youth Commission members identify what issues affect young people in their area and gather their opinions. They then tackle these issues by raising awareness at events and via campaigns.

Members will also make recommendations for change to the Police and Crime Commissioner and suggest solutions to their priority issues.

Lethal Highs campaign
A notable campaign driven by the Youth Commission was ‘Lethal Highs’ which was mentioned in Parliament by Flick Drummond MP, when the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 was recently being debated.

How to apply
There are two stages to the application process: a form to be completed by 4 March 2016 which is available from the Website.

Applicants that reach the second stage will be invited to an assessment evening in late March.

Applicants with experience of the police and criminal justice systems, as an offender, victim or any other interaction are welcome to apply.

Image: westmidlandspolice under CC BY 2.0

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