Damien Nettles Featured on International Missing Children’s Day

Today is International Missing Children’s Day.

Damien Nettles Featured on International Missing Children's DayWe can’t begin to understand the amount of heartache families must go through when a child goes missing, so our thoughts today go out to all families and friends of missing children around the world.

Here in the UK, the day is being marked at The National Theatre on London’s South Bank. A balloon arch, with balloons showing five missing children from each of the 17 Global Missing Children Network (GMCN) member countries is being created in memory of missing children around the world.

Included amongst the 85 balloons will be one for Damien Nettles who went missing in Cowes in 1996. His family contine to search for answers to Damien’s disappearance and they run a Website with information, links to videos and details of other Missing Persons events.

In fact, Damien will also be remembered during a march in Manchester taking place next Sunday (24th May) being organised by Forever Searching.

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