Less Gripe, More Wind! The Eco Island Supporters Group Show Support for Wind Turbines

A group of Islanders who want to support renewable energy, including on-shore wind, are asking other Islanders and visitors to write to the Isle of Wight Council to let them know if they support wind turbines.

The Eco Island Supporters Group have been collecting letters in the last couple of weeks, and handed over what they’ve collected so far on Wednesday 23 September. (The Liberal Democrats on the Council – and their prospective parliamentary candidate, Jill Wareham – are in the photo too because they accepted the letters on behalf of the Council, as the ruling group did not want to do so.)

If you want to get in contact or want some support forms, The Eco Island Supporters Group say please don’t hesitate to e-mail them on ecoislandsupporters(at)live.co.uk.

The letter will soon be available as a download from the Footprint Trust’s website

After the handover, some of the group went for a quick cuppa in Island Images, where pictures of popular Island tourist attractions adorn the walls.

It was only after they’d sat down at the only free table that they noticed which attraction was looking down on them … Bembridge Windmill would once have been just an example of the latest in energy technology, an industrial development in the countryside.

Yet today it’s a tourist attraction. So who knows what future Island visitors might go to see? Why not the Island’s first commercial wind turbines?

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