Michael Jennings Nominated For Preservation Award?

Michael Jennings Nominated For Preservation Award?A new set of Community Awards are being launched this week and local property developer, Michael Jennings, seems to have caused some kerfuffle at the Awards HQ.

We understand that there are several awards up for grabs, one of which is for Architectural Preservation.

Donald Osmond, President of The Bungalow Preservation Society told VentnorBlog of his outrage when he learnt that Jennings had been nominated for the award in relation to conservation work carried out to a bungalow in Ventnor.

This man has no concept of what a bungalow is! Does he not realise that it mean one-storey? Just because he covers the extra storeys with trellis doesn’t mean we can’t see what’s behind it.

To add insult to injury, I’ve just found out that it was in fact Mr Jennings himself who put himself up for the award! The cheek of the man.

Mr Jennings is a major shareholder in the new Wootton based superstore, Trellis U Like which he plans expand onto the mainland over the next year.

PS. As much as some people might like to think this article is true, you’ll see it was published before noon on 1st April 2008 by author, April F. Ool. Hence it is NOT true.

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