Marine Conservation Society Recommends Ventnor Beach

Ventnor BeachGreat news for Ventnor beach.

Following its report of the state of beaches and water quality in the UK, there’s a big sigh of relief down here in Ventnor, as the Marine Conservation Society give it a recommendation.

This means that we have ‘highest water quality and good sewage treatment’.

In a year when the number of recommended beach has taken a dip (he he), it’s great to hear that Ventnor has survived the ravishes of heavy weather, which, for some beaches has resulted in poor water quality.

Thomas Bell, MCS Coastal Pollution Officer, said:

“These latest MCS results buck the long term trend of cleaner bathing water but we’re pinning the blame squarely on last summer’s exceptionally bad weather. Heavy rain sweeps pollutants like raw sewage, street debris and animal waste directly from the land into rivers and the sea. Not all beaches are affected but the problem for swimmers is knowing when and where this has happened.”

So with Ventnor Beach being touted as the fourth best beach to lay your towel on, Ventnor the 7th best UK Seaside Town by Coast magazine and now this, what other reason do you need to make a visit this year?

Check out the Good Beach Guide for more info

(Thanks to Al for the story tip). Image: Shutter Jpg

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