White Air 2008: King Ramps On The Way

White Air 2008: King RampsThe White Air RAF Multi-sport Park for 2008 has been extended yet again to include even more sports action, arts and djs!

King Ramps are bringing their brand new 5ft mini-ramp (like the one pictured which featured at the Goldcoast Oceanfest, to White Air this year, supported by the new healthy juice drink, SUSO.

Ridiculous skateboarding will include the likes of Chris Oliver, Trevor Johnson, Pete King and Dave Chesson.

The amazing set-up of the White Air RAF urban park will now include Skate SUSO midi ramp, street course, BMX jump/freestyle/flatland, Parkour, Inline, Hard Grafft, djs and the Mountain board park on the beach!

Make sure you remember your gear as the parks’ open sessions are there for everyone to use and even try your hand on the huge freestyle jump ramps, kickers and street sections if you have the nerve!

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