East Wight Primary out on the streets of Ryde with the Democracy Meter

‘People’s Champion’ initiative under East Wight Primary gains momentum: Here’s how to get involved

The East Wight Primary is going from strength to strength attracting sign ups and volunteers from around the Isle of Wight.

The plan to unite voters behind a ‘People’s Champion’ by holding Q&A sessions in Town Halls across East Wight this coming March is finding traction with voters and non-voters who would like a progressive MP at the next election.

Our first past the post system means many of us feel unrepresented as the progressive vote is split, and in East Wight there remains no clear tactical choice.

What is East Wight Primary?
East Wight Primary will stage a series of Q&A sessions in town halls across the constituency, where the public can ask questions to the three progressive candidates and vote for whichever they think is best placed to win the seat.

The candidates from the Liberal Democrat, Green and Labour parties are invited to participate in the process.

Selecting the ‘People’s Champion’
At the end of the process, votes will be totted up and a winner announced, who will be declared the ‘People’s Champion’. Progressive voters will be encouraged to put aside their differences, get behind the People’s Champion and support their campaign.

The East Wight Primary is a people-powered initiative which aims to breathe life back into democracy, giving voters the opportunity to make their voice heard and achieve real political change in the new constituency of East Wight.

Supporting voter registration
We will also be supporting people across the Island with voter registration and ensuring they have the correct identification to make their vote count.

Details of the Q&A sessions will be released shortly, with people able to secure their tickets (one constituent, one ticket) from mid February. For detailed explanation of how the process will run please visit the website.

Leaflets will be delivered to every address in the new East Wight constituency in mid-February, so everyone is aware how they can participate in the process.

Look out for the Democracy Meter
We have been out with our Democracy Meter in Ryde last Saturday, and we will be in Regent Street, Shanklin from 10am-1pm on Saturday 13th January.

‘Spread the Message’ training sessions
East Wight Primary have held two ‘Spread the Message’ training sessions so far in January, in Monkton Arts in Ryde, and Boojum and Snark in Sandown, both attracting 20 people keen to get involved.

The interactive sessions with Maureen O’Flynn have helped volunteers grow their confidence in communicating about the primary. Two further trainings are happening and people are welcome to sign up to attend.

  • 17th January 6-8pm – Monkton Arts, Ryde – sign up here
  • 24th January 6-8pm – Better Days Cafe, Ventnor – sign up here

‘Re-love-ution’ fundraiser
To help fund our leaflet drop we have a fundraiser ‘Re-love-ution’ at Bar 74 on 16th February featuring Steve Love, the Rug band, Baron Fortitude and ‘Our Girl G’.

Tickets are available from EventBrite.

Match-funded Crowdfunder
This weekend, thanks to the generosity of a donor, we have a match funding event.

Any donations made to our Crowdfunder between midnight on 10th January and midnight on 14th January, up to £2,000 will be match funded.

While most of our campaign is in volunteer time, posters, leaflets and hosting the events have costs attached.

We are very grateful to all the people who have donated nearly £1,000 already to covering our costs.

Short film
Our short film, explaining the East Wight Primary, made by local filmmaker Bruce Webb has been viewed over 500 times on Facebook in the last week.

Visit YouTube to watch the short film.

Garnett: Many shared values amongst progressive voters
Co-founder of East Wight Primary, Charity Garnett, says,

“We are really encouraged by the response to the East Wight Primary. So many people are disillusioned with politics at every level, and the idea of coming together to reclaim some hope and the possibility of a progressive MP is heartening.

“There are many shared values amongst progressive voters around fairness, respect for the environment, concern for the NHS, and by working together we can get the representation we so desperately need at the next election.”

Hutchison: We’re going beyond what a tactical voting website can do
Julie Hutchison, co founder of East Wight Primary says,

“We’re going beyond what a tactical voting website can do in that we’re giving East Wight residents the opportunity to make that decision for themselves.

“Residents face many issues locally, and want the most suitable candidate to be our MP. We urge residents to sign up on the website to be kept regularly informed on updates”

To sign up to get involved, or be kept informed please sign up at the website.

News shared by Julie on behalf of East Wight Primary. Ed

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