Soft toys laid out on the table at rotary sale

Shanklin Rotary Sale doubles its charity funds, raising more than £25,000 for good causes

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Thanks to the efforts of all the Rotarians, volunteers and eager shoppers, the amount raised at as a result of the annual Shanklin Rotary Sale has doubled since 2023.

Shanklin Rotarian, Rachel Wadia, explained to News OnTheWight that although all the funds are not yet in — they still have some items at auction and are awaiting recycling income — they’ve so far reached £25,000.

Doubled last year’s figure
Because of reduced expenses, they expect to have doubled last year’s income for the Club (£17,000), which is passed on to Island causes, with some going to overseas Rotary projects such as polio eradication (only 12 cases reported worldwide last year), global eyesight solutions, mercy ships and emergency shelter boxes.

As well as last year, the Annual Sale is now held in a much smaller venue than normal, but Rotarians and volunteers worked incredibly hard this year to learn from the past how to maximise income, minimise expenses and reduce landfill.

Wadia: Reduced landfill four-fold
Rachel explains,

“This three-fold aim was supported by a huge influx of donations, a hard working team of local volunteers, and a focused effort on recycling the excess.

“As a result, over two weeks we have almost doubled last year’s expendable income, redistributed excess and reduced landfill four-fold.”

An avalanche of stock
The large main hall struggled to contain an avalanche of stock that arrived, and had to be supported by two large marquees, manned by the sturdiest ones – kept alive and functioning by free-flowing hot drinks and food.

Advertising, leafleting, collecting, pat testing and sorting stretched the small army, but the community spirit drove them all on.

By the time the sale was opened by their local patroness, Anne Springman, all involved were starting to enjoy the action.

Wadia: Funds will be used for help within the community
Rachel told News OnTheWight,

“Thanks go to the locals who put their lives on hold to join our club of nine Shanklin Rotarians and helped sustain an event which the community look forward to each January. We know we could not do it without them.

“And special thanks to the YMCA who were brilliant.

“Thank you to all who gave donations, their time and goodwill to Shanklin Rotary.

“The funds will be used for help within the community and a little for overseas support.”

Read more about the Annual Grand Shanklin Rotary Sale.