Inside Bonchurch Pottery with Andrew at the wheel

Andrew Bristow: 50 years of craftsmanship at Bonchurch Pottery studio (listen/podcast)

Bonchurch Pottery, tucked away along the shoreline of Monks Bay, celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Founded in 1974 by Andrew Bristow, the pottery studio remains as charming today as it was when it first opened its doors in the 1970s.

The studio, which has become a fixture in the Isle of Wight’s creative scene, offers a wide range of pottery pieces, from mugs and vases to house number plates. Andrew even shares his talent for landscape art, with colourful prints available for purchase.

A legacy in clay
In a conversation with OnTheWight, Andrew reminisced about the origins of Bonchurch Pottery. His parents had originally set up a pottery on the same spot in the early 1960s. When their venture came to an end, Andrew took the opportunity to establish his own studio, building on the legacy they had created.

Andrew shared that the workshop now houses 50 years’ worth of accumulated materials and memories. Walking through the studio, he pointed out some of his early works, which reflected the techniques he learned from his father.

Experimenting with the Art
Despite half a century of pottery-making, Andrew remains passionate about his craft. He explained that every piece he creates is unique and that the process continues to surprise him, even after all these years. During our conversation we found out what it’s like to be a creator for over 50 years – and how Andrew in fact couldn’t imagine not doing it.

Highlighting the experimental nature of his work, Andrew said,

“I don’t want them to all come out the same, and there are lovely surprises sometimes.”

Andrew’s pottery is known for its diversity in form and function, and the joy he finds in the unpredictability of each creation is evident in his enthusiasm.

His wife has played an important role in Andrew’s creative development, often delivering her straight-forward opinion of some of his creative explorations.

Advice for aspiring potters
When asked for advice for those just starting out in pottery, Andrew had two key recommendations.

Firstly, he advised,

“Write labels on every pot, containing glaze etc. You think you will remember, but you will not!”

Secondly, he encouraged beginners to experiment with ready-made glazes before attempting their own.

“Get a glaze from a manufacturer and play around with that. I wouldn’t go straight into mixing up your own glazes as experiments.

“It’s better to start with something you are certain of and then change it a little bit to see what happens.”

These words of wisdom, grounded in decades of experience, provide practical guidance for those looking to develop their skills in the art of pottery.

A lifetime of learning
Reflecting on his journey, Andrew shared that his love for the craft has only deepened over time.

After 50 years in the business, he remains as eager to learn and experiment as ever, continually refining his techniques and embracing the artistic surprises that each new project brings.

For those looking to explore the world of pottery, or simply enjoy Andrew’s unique creations, a visit to Bonchurch Pottery is a must.

Listen to our conversation
Click on the play button below to listen to the conversation (35 mins). You can pause the conversation, jump back 10 seconds or forward 30 seconds.

During the recording some static crept in. We’ve done what we can with whizbottery to minimise it, so hope it doesn’t impede your enjoyment of what we found an interesting conversation. 

Andrew Bristow at the potter's wheel
Isle of Wight News from OnTheWight
Andrew Bristow – 50th year at Bonchurch Pottery