architect working on plans
Image: ryanancill via Unsplash

Isle of Wight planning application list and map: 3 Mar 2025

Each week Isle of Wight council planning department issues a weekly list of the planning applications that are open to the public for review, consideration, and if necessary, comment.

OnTheWight now takes those and presents them to Islanders in a way we hope is the most helpful.

Layout / features / functions
On the table below, you can re-order each of the columns just by clicking on the header. In the top right of the table there’s a search feature.

Copy the application number and search the council’s planning register to see the application

Application NoParish(es)Ward(s)LocationProposal
25/00214/FULBembridgeBembridgeEly Place Swains Road Bembridge Isle Of Wight PO35 5XRDemolition of bungalow and outbuildings; proposed replacement dwelling, back storage/gym building to include roof mounted solar panels
25/00259/HOUBembridgeBembridgeMoreton Lodge Ducie Avenue Bembridge
Isle Of Wight PO35 5NE
Proposed dormer window and alterations to detached garage/annex building to provide one additional bedroom
25/00278/HOUCalbourne Newtown And Porchfield
Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council
Brighstone Calbourne And Shalfleet Parkhurst And HunnyhillThe Briars
Marks Corner Village Road Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 5UD
Proposed single storey rear extension
25/00287/HOUCowesCowes West And Gurnard93 Park Road Cowes
Isle Of Wight PO31 7NE
Proposed single storey, side/rear extension
25/00072/FULEast CowesOsborneLand Adjacent 6 Kingslea Park East Cowes
Isle Of Wight
Pair of semi-detached houses with associated parking (revised scheme)
25/00155/FULGodshillCentral RuralBrownriggs Farm Shop Newport Road Godshill
Isle Of Wight PO38 3LY
Retention of 2 self contained holiday units
25/00182/FULGurnardCowes West And GurnardLand Adjacent 51 Albert Road Gurnard
Isle Of Wight
Proposed dwelling (revised plans)(readvertised application)
25/00197/FULNettlestone And SeaviewNettlestone And SeaviewTesco Stores Ltd Brading Road Ryde
Isle Of Wight PO33 1QS
Proposed restaurant/drive-thru with associated car parking and landscaping
25/00252/FULNettlestone And SeaviewNettlestone And SeaviewLower Flat Lorraine Fairy Road Seaview
Isle Of Wight PO34 5HF
Proposed single storey rear extension and alterations
25/00271/HOUNettlestone And SeaviewNettlestone And SeaviewFairylee Bluett Avenue Seaview
Isle Of Wight PO34 5HE
Proposed two, two-storey side extensions to include rear balcony; single storey front, side and rear extensions; front elevation balcony; alterations to include roof mounted solar panels; additional windows and and replacement fenestration; proposed detached boathouse; landscaping and alterations to sea wall (revised scheme).
25/00261/HOUNewchurchNewchurch Havenstreet And Ashey21 Woodside Avenue Newchurch
Sandown Isle Of Wight PO36 0JD
Retention of single storey side extension; roof alterations; dormer windows; fenestration; retention of flue; alterations to landscaping; retention of three outbuildings as built
25/00269/HOUNewchurchNewchurch Havenstreet And AsheyWestwick Longlands Lane Newchurch Sandown
Isle Of Wight PO36 0NA
Demolition of conservatory; Proposed single storey extension and raised terrace area with balustrading
25/00050/FULNewport & Carisbrooke Community CouncilCarisbrooke And GunvilleMoles Farm Calbourne Road Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 4HS
Demolition of agricultural building and construction of dwelling with garage & implement store
25/00207/FULNewport & Carisbrooke Community CouncilNewport Central84 - 85 High Street Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 1BH
Change of use from takeaway fish and chip shop to a retail store
25/00208/FULNewport & Carisbrooke Community CouncilParkhurst And HunnyhillVestas Blade Technology Centre West Medina Mills
Stag Lane Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 5TS
Proposed cycle entrance from cycle path
25/00264/HOUNewport & Carisbrooke Community CouncilCarisbrooke And Gunville47 Ash Lane Carisbrooke Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 5LT
Demolition of shed; Proposed detached garage
25/00244/HOURookleyCentral Rural11 Dolcroft Road Rookley
Isle Of Wight PO38 3NT
Demolition of existing conservatory and raised decking area; Proposed single storey rear extension and new raised decking area; alteration in dormer materials
25/00223/HOURydeRyde North WestBarsby Lodge
St Georges Road Ryde
Isle Of Wight PO33 3AS
Proposed garden building to provide gym and pool house
25/00248/HOURydeBinstead And FishbourneMistletoe
4 Wellwood Glade Ryde
Isle Of Wight PO33 4HA
Retention/completion of single storey rear extension and raised decking area
25/00283/HOURydeBinstead And Fishbourne21 Kings Road Binstead
Isle Of Wight PO33 3RX
Demolition of sunroom; proposed single storey rear extension and decking
25/00288/HOURydeBinstead And Fishbourne24 Church Road Binstead
Isle Of Wight PO33 3TA
Demolition of garage: Proposed single storey side extension
25/00218/HOUSandownSandown NorthThe Old Rectory Yaverland Road Sandown
Isle Of Wight PO36 8QW
Demolition of orangery, porch and plantroom structure; Proposed single storey side & rear extensions, new veranda, external alterations including new render and new roof covering and roof mounted solar panels on pool house
25/00219/LBCSandownSandown NorthThe Old Rectory Yaverland Road Sandown
Isle Of Wight PO36 8QW
Listed Building Consent for Demolition of orangery, porch and plantroom structure; Proposed single storey side & rear extensions, new veranda, external alterations including new render and new roof covering and roof mounted solar panels on pool
Freshwater North And YarmouthLand South Of Wellow Between Shalfleet Substation And Broad Lane Crossing Wellow Top Road
Main Road Wellow
Isle Of Wight
Installation of underground electrical cable in association with Barnfield development
25/00238/CLEUDShalfleetFreshwater North And YarmouthLand Between Highfield And Rosehaven Main Road
Isle Of Wight
Lawful Development Certificate to establish compliance with condition 1 on 21/01401/FUL to establish a legal commencement of works for this development
25/00273/RVCShalfleetBrighstone Calbourne And ShalfleetLavender Cottage Main Road Newbridge Yarmouth
Isle Of Wight PO41 0TX
Variation of condition 2 on P/00517/18 to allow revisions to the approved detached building/overspill accommodation
25/00236/HOUVentnorVentnor And St LawrencePleiades
Seven Sisters Road Whitwell
Isle Of Wight PO38 1UY
Proposed garden room to house hydro-pool

Clicking on the pins will show you the location of the application and its IWC planning reference number, so you can match the two up.

(Zoom in and out to see details. Clicking on the pins will tell you the address and the reference number if you want to look up the detail)