OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.
This from Aviv Goode, Wroxall. Ed
Spring is here and the Wroxall Robins preschool children have been making the most of the lovely weather and their beautiful rural home. The children have been out in the fresh air, enjoying the lovely walks around our village, learning about nature and the changing seasons.
They have met new friends on the way, like the horses in the fields and grazing sheep. They saw dogs and chatted to the owners who were delighted to see the children out and about. The Robins enjoyed a trip to the playground, as well as a walk up the very big hill to Appuldurcombe House.
The preschool staff carefully plan these trips and take care to send us updates and photos which brighten our days.

So happy with their friends in this slice of heaven
Our beautiful children, so happy with their friends in this slice of heaven, the home that we chose for them. The leafy green, the squelchy mulch, crocuses, daffodils and the odd stinging nettle. Our children know not to touch these, and they can identify them with ease.
Our children know where honey comes from, how blossoms turn into apples, and they snack on wild garlic. A connection with nature that we hope will run through their veins for the rest of their lives, we know it will give them resilience and inner peace.
Some of us were born here, others recently chose to join. Whether this rural education is a longstanding family norm, or a life chosen only recently—we know this is good for our children.
Cabinet vote
To the members of the council and cabinet who are voting on the matter of school closures.
Please fully consider the DfE Guidance and The Presumption Against Closure of Rural School as well as The Presumption Against Closure of Nurseries.