Mill Bay Application Goes To Ventnor TC Meeting: Public Views Welcomed

A meeting of the Ventnor Town Council has been called for this coming Monday (6pm) to discuss planning applications currently in public consultation.

Mill Bay Application
The first is the proposal to demolish the extension of the Mill Bay pub on Ventnor seafront and replace it with a new extension terrace, along with four 3-storey town houses and construction of a 5-storey block of four flats with retail unit at ground floor level.

As well as the Town Council considering their position on the application, it’ll also be a good opportunity for members of the public to put forward their views.

There’ll be time at the beginning and end of the meeting for members of the public to voice their opinions on the application which we’re sure the councillors would welcome in order to gage public opinion.

La Veness
A current appeal by owners of the La Veness site will also be discussed at the meeting.

We’re still waiting to hear whether the Isle of Wight council will be challenging the appeal, but will update you as soon as we know.

Island Action Areas
Also included on the agenda is the subject of the draft Island Action Area Plans.

Some of you may be already aware that one of the proposed action plan areas, which will have priority calls on regeneration funding, is The Bay area. The area plan stops short of the Ventnor, which, given the high deprivation of some of the town’s areas, is very unfortunate.

You can learn more about the draft area action plan online, but please note the consultation ends on 15 June.

Public views
There will be time at the beginning and end of the meeting for the public to share their views and ask questions.