Islanders Views Sought on Town and Parish Council Boundaries

Whilst Island MP Andrew Turner, is fighting a division of the Isle of Wight parliamentary constituency, the county council is asking residents for their views on boundaries of Town and Parish Councils.

Islanders Views Sought on Town and Parish Council BoundariesA review, with the natty title of ‘Community Governance Review’, is being launched today, which aims to “secure effective and convenient local government that represents the interests of local communities”.

Some town and parish councils have already requested alterations to be made to their electoral arrangements and the council are keen to gather the views of Islanders.

You have until the 1 October 2010 to make your views known, after which, a draft recommendation will be published two months later.

Polling districts and stations too
The council are also keen to hear your views on Polling Districts and Polling Places.

Do you feel a polling district is too large, too small, polling station too difficult to access etc.?

You get the idea.

If you want more info on this subject get in touch with the Electoral Services Manager Clive Joynes on 01983 823341 or e-mail [email protected].

Alternatively you can pop over to the council website for more info.

Image: freddyfromutah under CC BY 2.0

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