Ventnor Town Council Election Called For September

More local Isle of Wight elections are on the cards to take place later in the year, this time in Ventnor.

There are four vacancies available on the Ventnor Town Council (VTC), one for Lowtherville Ward, one for St Lawrence Ward and two in the Ventnor Parish West Ward.

The notice of election takes place on 4th August and if you fancy becoming a Ventnor Town Councillor, you have until 12 August to get your nomination in.

The relevant forms can be obtained from the VTC Clerk (David Bartlett) or from County Hall. Once completed, you’ll then have until noon on 12th August to get your forms back and registered.

If the vacancies are contested, the election will take place on 9th September. We’ll let you know once we hear who the candidates for the various seats are.

Image: Gruntzooki under CC BY 2.0

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