Star Counting On The Wight

We’re not talking about so-called celebrities, rather those shiny things in the sky, as part of the BBC’s Stargazing Live Event returns. Elaine tells us more. Ed

The Vectis Astronomical Society is holding another public event in conjunction BBC Stargazing Live Event which is being broadcast on the TV 16th-18th January 2012 from 8-10pm.

Join in the star count
On Friday 20th January we are going to carry out a Star Count, which involves measuring how dark the sky is and working out how many stars we can see.

The results will be collected and sent to ‘Globe at Night’ Globe At Night, which is a campaign to raise awareness of the impact of light pollution.

Participants will be encouraged to take the results home and compare them in their own back garden, thereby giving us results across the Island.

People should make a count of the number of stars seen with the naked eye, not with telescopes or binoculars, and then complete the online survey or send their count, the time and date it was made, and the location to Star Count, Campaign for Dark Skies, 38 The Vineries, Colehill, Wimborne, BH21 2PX.

See Events On The Wight for more detail.

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