Ventnor Wall Lizards on The Radar

It seems our Ventnor wall lizards are keeping lots of people busy these days.

Ventnor Lizards on The RadarNot only have they sparked a discussion on the forum by fairly new member Steve L from Surrey, who visits Ventnor regularly and is currently carrying out some research on wall lizards, but I also came across an interesting post on The (rather excellent) Rangers Blog today. Well worth a read if you have any interest in nature and our environment.

With the wonderfully sunny weather we’ve been having, it’s fairly easy to spot the little reptiles (that’s the lizards not the PDs), so next time you take a walk along the Ventnor coast, keep your eyes peeled at about twelve feet ahead of you.

Good luck and if you spot any, don’t forget to comment on the discussion thread. [image courtesy of Steve L]

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