Ryde School pupils on A-level results day

A-Level results: A Level grades best results achieved since 2014 for Ryde School pupils

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Ryde School are delighted to say that the A Level grades were the best results the school has achieved when sitting public examinations since 2014.

16.9 per cent of grades were A*s, 45.1 per cent were A* – A, and 66.9 per cent were A* – B with over a third of pupils achieving two A grades or better.

Strong IB grades
The IB grades issued earlier in the summer were also very strong with an average DP score of 34.25 points and an average of 197 UCAS points per pupil.

The IBCP grades were equally impressive with half of students achieving a double distinction or better in the BTEC part of their programme.

Looking at A Level, IBDP and IBCP results together, the average UCAS points per pupil is 145.5 which is just over the equivalent to AAA at A Level.

Stand-out achievements
There are some fantastic individual A Level performances to note.

  • Jenna Du Preez achieved four A* grades and will study molecular biology at Imperial,
  • Callum Jones attained three A*s and will undertake a degree apprenticeship with BAE as a radar engineer,
  • Thomas Luke gained three A*s and will attend the Royal College of Music,
  • Samuel Legg attained two A*s and two As and will study computer science at Bath,
  • Joseph Edgington achieved two A*s and an A with an offer from St. Andrews to study history.

Ben Haworth, James Knox, Ebb Phillips, Jacob Swann, Tomas Hayward, Oliver Humphray and Tomas Turjanica gained the equivalent of three As or better.

Onward journeys
They will be attending institutions such as Guildford School of Acting and Cardiff, Birmingham, Loughborough and Edinburgh Universities to study journalism, communications and politics, dentistry, physics and astronomy, chemistry and chemical engineering.

The vast majority of students who took A Levels received their first choice of university offers.

IB Diploma Programme
Almost all pupils who sat the two IB programmes also received their first-choice university offers.

There were some excellent individual achievements in the IB Diploma Programme.

Aileen Armstrong scored 43 points (out of a possible 45) and is going to study medicine at Dundee, Elsa Wester achieved 42 points and will study natural sciences at Bath.

Ryde School pupils on A-level results day

Jackson Peace scored 41 points and will take a gap year before deciding what to do next.

Jonah Pope scored a very impressive 230 UCAS points in the IB Career-related Programme (IBCP) and goes on to study environmental sciences at Newcastle.

Turner: Results a credit to students, teachers and my predecessor
New Head Master, Will Turner, commented,

“This cohort has faced numerous challenges over the last two years so it is a credit to them and their teachers that such impressive results have been achieved.

“Pupils are going off to study a wide range of STEM courses ranging from medicine and dentistry to strategy, intelligence and security, electrical engineering and humanities courses such as history, English literature, geography and politics, philosophy and economics.

“We also have pupils leaving to study architecture, and art and design courses all of which reflects the diverse offerings fostered by the School.

“Credit must also go to my predecessor, Mark Waldron, for leading the School through the challenges of the last two years and ensuring that this year group received the best teaching possible despite the difficulties posed by the pandemic.

“It is also important to note that this is the first time this age group has sat public examinations given their GCSE year was in the midst of the pandemic.

“We all wish this cohort well as they now embark on their lives beyond the School.”

News shared by Ra on behalf of Ryde School/ Ed