SGN say "as a responsible landowner, we have a duty of care to ensure site safety by protecting anyone walking through our land or working at the site"
Vix Lowthion explains why the so called £200 rebate on energy bills announced by the Government last week will end up seeing many Islanders out of pocket
The General Manager at Footprint Trust says, "The government is not to blame for the international crises, but it does have time to act now, to prevent thousands of Islanders falling into fuel poverty"
Cllr Quigley says he and other councillors got much bigger commitments from Southern Water over the dumping of sewage than the Isle of Wight MP is claiming he won
It's not just the Isle of Wight that is getting unacceptable service from Southern Water, here's the picture from Hampshire and their view of OFWAT's report
Cllr Vernon-Jackson suggested local authorities across the South East get together to buy Southern Water to force it to stop dumping raw sewage into rivers and the sea