There's free entrance, free honey tastings, plenty of free parking and most importantly lots of delicious Isle of Wight Honey for sale. Pop along on Saturday to meet the Island's bee-keepers.
36,000 people took part in the Big Butterfly Count this summer which has recorded the majority of butterfly species studied as part of the scheme seeing their populations fall, with some producing their worst numbers since the Big Butterfly Count scheme began
This cute little fella has checked into the Isle of Wight Bat Hospital for the next four months. The last time a bat of this type was found in the country was over 13 years ago.
Surfers Against Sewage have launched the sixth annual Autumn Beach Clean Series. Sign up now to take part in October and do you bit to help clear 15 tonnes of marine litter.
Gardeners are being asked to focus on their flowerbeds to look for one of the UK’s best-loved butterflies whose numbers appear to have plummeted this summer.
Islanders are being asked to take part in the Big Butterfly Count and help track the rise of the Speckled Wood butterfly. When many species are seeing a drastic decline, this species has experienced an 84% increase in abundance in the last 40 years
Sir David Attenborough is warning that this year’s slow spring and soggy summer could pose a risk to the common butterflies found across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Learn more on the guided butterfly walk taking place at Northwood Cemetery on the Isle of Wight on Sunday 17 July.
Large influxes of the moth in previous years means hopes are high that 2016 could witness another ‘hummer summer’ as the long distance migrant attempts to gain a foothold in the UK.
Have you seen the return of the beautiful dolphins to Ventnor bay? We've heard they may be back. We'll keep this article updated if there are more sightings.
Last year seven horses were found in filthy stables that had not been mucked out for months and two of the horses had been left starving and covered in mites. Thankfully, there is a happy ending to this cruel story.
There'll be an extra special delivery to the Monkey Haven this Easter when four gorgeous Grivets are re-homed at the Isle of Wight attraction. See the photos of the fab four!