Following up on our July report about the sighting of Bee-Eaters, this great news in from the RSPB. It’s a first, as exotic chicks fledge on the Isle of Wight.
Around 130 people joined Spectrum's Natural Wight and the team from Arc on Tuesday 12th August for Under the Pier, a gloriously sunny afternoon ‘sand-pooling’ under the iconic Ryde Pier!
Andrew Turner, the Island’s MP is the first Member of Parliament to sign up to support the RSPB’s new campaign putting nature at the heart of the political agenda.
Join Spectrum’s Natural Wight and Arc Consulting for a unique ‘sandpooling’ opportunity and discover the amazing array of marine life living under and around Ryde Pier on Tuesday (12th August) afternoon between 4.30-6.30pm.
We've been to these events before and not only was it a great, relaxing evening, but brilliant to be able to discover and learn more about moths. If you're lucky, something very rare may even appear.