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Charity seeks volunteer treasurer

This in from Lynne from the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) Isle of Wight Branch. Ed

The WEA seeks a new treasurer to join their team. This is an excellent opportunity to develop individual financial skills whilst working as part of a team to provide high quality learning opportunities for adults from all walks of life.

The post will involve a few hours of book keeping each month, plus year-end accounts and three branch meetings annually.

Have you got what it takes?
We require someone who has an interest in adult education and who is organised and methodical.

Some degree of experience in financial matters is desirable.

The Treasurer will be part of the committee and will need to have access to email for communication over Branch matters. Training will be provided by the Branch in the first instance.

Contact Lynne Broom, Branch Secretary on [email protected]

What is the WEA?
The WEA is Britain’s major voluntary adult education organisation and provides high quality learning opportunities for adults from all walks of life.

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