Well done to Debbie Robinson for holding her own during the Alex Dyke phone-in. We are against the proposal to build a five storey block of flats on the seafront, so naturally, I called to express my views on air.
It wasn’t easy getting through, the line rang and rang for quite some time, I was cut off twice before I could get through and have my say.
I followed Geoff Blake, who had called in to say that “it’s only about 20 or so people, the same ones who objected to the Metropole and Fishery that are complaining about the development”.
Unfortunately Geoff, you’re wrong there. We never objected to the fishery, and actually think it is a great addition to the haven. As to the claim that it’s only 20 people objecting …. I’m sure you’re aware of the 168 letters of objection sent to the planning department and the 700+ signatures on the petition collected from outside Sommerfields?
Anyway, I managed to get some valid points across (despite the interruptions*) , then just as I was about to compare the Mill Bay application to Beachlands and raise the point of planning decision inconsistencies, I was cut off. As I hadn’t finished making my point, I called again.
During the several attempts to get back through to the phone-in, I was cut off twice more and finally when tried to get through just before 1pm, Alex had decided that he was bringing the phone-in to an end and closed the lines.
Now, anyone who listens to the phone-in will know that when it’s a busy one, as todays was, Alex will keep the lines open for as long as people are calling. I’ve heard it extend to as late as 1.30pm. So, it appears surprising that when people were obviously trying to get through, that he’d close the lines.
Quite a lot of people who support the scheme were able to get through to voice their opinions.
Now, about that *interrupting. Or should I say ‘talking over’. Meg did himself no favours here. Someone who repeatedly talks over those who have differing opinions, could be viewed as a person who doesn’t have any respect for what the person being interrupted has to say, or perhaps doesn’t want to hear them, or more importantly, doesn’t want anyone else to hear them. We don’t know Meg, so are not sure if this is just part of his character, but given his actions over the last couple of days, guess it may be. Happy Birthday Meg for yesterday btw.
There are a few other points that need addressing, the first of which is the claim from Meg that English Heritage are supporting this application. Has he not read the last letter from them? The one where they state that one of the five storey towers should be TWO STOREYS. I guess he hasn’t.
I’d also challenge his statement that the buildings comprise a 3 storey, 4 storey and 5 storey block.
It is very confusing, last time I looked at the plans, the first tower on the left has a ground floor followed by four further floors – I think that makes it a 5 storey building.
The middle tower has a ground floor and four storeys above it. Yes, you’ve guessed it, another 5 storey building and the final building on the right has a ground floor with three floors above, so that one is a 4 storey building.
That makes a building with two 5 storey towers and one 4 storey tower – we have been referring to the development as one building, because all the towers are connected by the ground floor which spans across the site.
Several of Alex’s points need addressing too, but I haven’t got time to go through everything, so I’ll keep it to just the one.
He stated that the developers ‘should be given some slack’, because of the business that they have brought into town.
No-one is questioning the success of the Spyglass or Mill Bay and as I stated on air, I admire them for what they have done, but given the current spotlight on the Planning Committee, I think that the idea the committee members they should cut any developer ‘some slack’, and make decisions on anything other than valid planning guidelines, is just incredible.
It’ll all come to a head in a few hours as the Committee members make their decision at this afternoons Planning Committee meeting. It starts at 4pm in County Hall and we’ll be providing live coverage of the event, so keep checking back if you want to find out what happens.