Andrew Turner

Andrew Turner to vote against gay marriage (updated)

Ahead of tonight’s vote in Parliament on Gay Marriage, this statement in from Isle of Wight MP, Andrew Turner. As we had over 80 comments on the story posted to Facebook, we’ve embedded some of the views below. They are overwhelmingly in favour of gay marriage. Ed

I will vote against the introduction of gay marriage tonight as I believe that marriage should remain between a man and a woman. I know some people will welcome my stance whilst others will be disappointed.

Many Islanders who feel strongly about this on both sides have contacted me; they are overwhelmingly against the idea of gay marriage. This vote is on a matter of conscience – but the following issues are among those of concern to me.

Not in election manifesto
Any such fundamental change should have the explicit consent of the British people. No parties’ election manifesto, nor the coalition agreement said this would be introduced. The Government carried out a public consultation with over 228,000 responses, and claimed a ‘narrow’ margin of support; however many of those responses were anonymous and they came from across the world.

A petition against gay marriage signed by over 500,000 people, all with names and addresses was ignored. There is absolutely no mandate to introduce this legislation and I believe Parliament should be concentrating on more pressing issues.

Churches may be forced to undertake gay marriage ceremonies
I also believe that churches may be forced to undertake gay marriage ceremonies through challenges on Human Rights grounds – soothing words from Ministers do not give legal protections. For instance our law is quite clear that prisoners are not entitled to vote and that is the settled view of Parliament – however the UK has an obligation to enforce judgements of the European Court of Human Rights and they say our position must change. That is currently unresolved.

It has been argued that gay marriage is about equality – yet it is not proposed to extend civil partnerships to heterosexual couples. There would also remain significant differences in ‘marriage’ between homosexual and heterosexual couples. For example existing legal definitions of consummation and adultery would not apply to homosexual couples – simply bringing in a new law cannot make something that is different the same and a great deal of existing legislation would need to be amended, that could be a legal minefield.

Moves onto the House of Lords
If this Bill is passed by the Commons tonight the legislation will still have to pass through the House of Lords.

In the meantime, in case the legislation is passed, I am working with like-minded colleagues to protect the rights of those who have religious or principled convictions against gay marriage; for instance I am co-sponsoring a Bill which would amend the Equalities Act to give protection to those who work in the public services such as teachers and registrars.

Facebook comments
As we had over 80 comments on the article posted to the OnTheWight Facebook Page, we’ve embedded some of the views below. They are overwhelmingly in favour of gay marriage

Andrew Turner to vote again gay marriage

Storified by On The Wight· Tue, Feb 05 2013 07:31:42

Why is it the only angry people are motivated to stand up for what they believe in? I suggest that everyone emails Mr Turner with their views: mail@islandmp.comLuisa Francesca Hillard
@onthewight Shameful to pro-actively deny people the freedom to choose their level of relationship and deepness of commitment #NoSecondTermMark McIntyre
Nice to see bigots named and shamed.John Sniper-x Aridi
I have a funny suspicion all of those people also only like the colour white. What a close minded douche bag. Imagine going out of your way to make sure people aren’t treated equally! Shame, shame……and a big sorry to any gays on the island that are being represented by a bigot.Keri Highland
Equality? Human rights? Shame on you!Paul Newton
RT @onthewight Isle of Wight MP Andrew Turner confirms he will vote against gay marriage in tonight’s parliamentary vote -> disgracefulsophie neary
Interesting how he doesn’t even reply to the emails of people who don’t share his views.Karen Gallant
Dinosaur Island is about right.Gareth Williams
Disgraceful. But really, why do people keep voting for him? It’s the ridiculous Island mentality of, "I’ll vote for Andrew Turner coz his name is familiar/I don’t like change." My mum voted for Turner because he visited our house…. The other candidates should do more to get their name out; home visits, talking to people etc… Stop letting our Island be spoken for by a man with out-dated opinions.Emma Roxanne Baldry BA
I bet those ppl are the ones voting for him. Shame on himTracey Pearce Clews
Island politics seem to be, basically, Turner vs Pugh. Two tories. Great. I’ve got little love for the Libdems either but things need to change.Richard Heaven
“@onthewight: Isle of Wight MP Andrew Turner confirms he will vote against gay marriage in tonight’s parliamentary vote." DisgracefulJennie Stirling
If you don’t like his policies vote him out, use your vote even if its to spoil the ballot! I certainly won’t be voting for him or his party.Rachel Fedden
Pick a non-Tory and let’s get behind them, folks.John Sniper-x Aridi
Yeah. I’ll stand.Vix Lowthion
he is voicing the opinion of his constituates thats how he got in the role and thats why hes still in it, why does it come as such a shockMichael ‘mingdamercilus’ Smith
What about save the Isle of Wight economy Mr Turner vote against the closure of HMP Isle of Wight (Camphill site)Jane Kerr
I’m just looking at the list of names and their responses here, Michael, and…I dunno…doesn’t seem representative…John Sniper-x Aridi
So where are the people who agree with him, if its such an `overwhelming` feeling against it ?Rihannon Brett
his right good on himAnnick Laboure
he is not, it is a free vote and he is voicing his own opinion …Sheila Ferguson
Bunch of lies mr MP.Rocio Gonzalez-Medland
Not in my name, Mr Turner.Jenny Cordery Jones
One wiord BIGOT!!Jane Kerr
There are no words to describe how much this infuriates me. Love is love. Who is Andrew Turner, in fact who is anyone to try and get in the way of that. It was made clear that churches would be under no obligation to perform a gay marriage but it makes the option available. He sat in front of a group of 16 and 17 year old’s in the summer (me included) and told us university was a waste of time, money and resources. He is trying to create a very narrow minded society and it wont work. In the concept of marriage, gay, straight, whatever shouldn’t be a factor, it isn’t a religious ceremony should you chose that way of a registry office. Marriage has already been accepted out of religion and de-spiritualistic therefore you cannot use constraints of a given religion as any form of excuse. It’s a commitment to someone, a meaningful one. Who is to say as a human being that another human being can’t be committed to someone. No-One.Hannah Rose
Great… I have known people hounded off the island in the past because of their sexuality. It seem that Mr Turner needs the same sort of reeducation as these homophobic individuals. It is barbaric and outdated and Mr Turner does not represent me!Katy Bell
I have just emailed him at and let him know that I support the bill. I have also asked for (under the freedom of Information act) the exact numbers contacting him for and against. If Islanders really have put their energies into furthering this sort of discrimination they should be ashamed of themselves.Lisa Dyer
‘Many Islanders who feel strongly about this on both sides have contacted me; they are overwhelmingly against the idea of gay marriage.’ – that sentence makes absolutely no sense.Kieren Thomson
With the amount of gay people on the Island I’m finding it hard to think that there wasn’t an overwhelming feeling for gay marriage hmmmm.Oh MP’s good 2 see your not changing the habbit of a lifetime and telling the truth, Idiot man!Roisin Smart
Out of the votes cast (and that’s not every Islander of voting age as only 64% turned out) he got 46.7%. Not really voicing the opinion of the Islands constituents is it? Not that people who didn’t vote can moan if they don’t exercise their right. Clews
What a disgrace.Miranda Darroch
Both my fiance and I are from the Island, as are almost every member of our families and I can honestly say I don’t personally know one person who would oppose gay marriage. I know people who have the opinion that ‘gay is wrong’ but even then they accept that it is none of their business and certainly wouldn’t go out of their way to ensure that people were penalised due to their sexual preference! This guy should be ashamed of himself and his narrow minded, bigoted opinions.Tanith Eireann Budden
nothing wrong in a gay marrage prob be different if he was gayAngie Pangie Phillips
HomophobicGary Gales
Who is he or ANYONE to decide who can or can’t get married?! We can’t deport foreign criminals under the human rights act but we can’t let two people in love make a commitment in marriage?!! We are very selective of our human rights then! Bloody hell, why not just bring the stocks back!!!Sara Oxford
@onthewight didn’t want to marry Andrew Turner anyway…Leonard Harverson
His argument against is that in a worst case scenario Churches may be forced to marry gay couples. He’s worried that churches would have to obey the law of the land like the rest of us, God forbid. I strongly believe that discrimination in any form is abhorrent and that his worst case scenario is better than the current status quo.Lisa Dyer
"Many Islanders who feel strongly about this on both sides have contacted me; they are overwhelmingly against the idea of gay marriage. This vote is on a matter of conscience – but the following issues are among those of concern to me." Many on both sides contacted him apparently, if it was both sides it can’t have been overwhelmingly people against then? It’s a matter of conscience – but the following issues are among those of concern to me. Sounds like an admittance that he has heard from some people is ignoring them and voting based solely on what he thinks.Tim Sewell
I have just emailed him with my view…. I think we all should!Lisa Rowles
Only on the IOWKarysha Clarke-Ferrell
How can homophobic straight people be allowed to decide how gay people live their lives? It’s ok for same sex couples to raise children together but not to be married to one another? Makes no sense.Lindsey Bray
WHY do people keep voting this cretin in…..Nikki T Harwood
It was illegal for couples to divorce….this was changed (they even invented the Church of England to do it!!!)It was deemed wrong for a Black/Asian person to marry a White one….the law was changed because it was wrong…Today the Same Sex bill will be going through…IF we want to be seen as an EQUAL society, this has to be passed.IF we want to be seen as ALL human beings, this has to be passed.Marriage laws have been changed to suit the powers at be since the year dot…so why not now??Like ·Duncan Knifton
I don’t think in the uk it has ever been illegal to marry someone of a different ace.Vix Lowthion
not a proud day to be an Islander :( RT @onthewight: Isle of Wight MP Andrew Turner will vote against gay marriage in parliamentary voteHannah Rochell
Voting for the right to marry! so backwards! if you love someone that’s all that matters!!! doesn’t matter about what orientation, creed, religion and all the rest of it is, as long as its true and honest and nothing has been forced or anything else more sinister, then marriage across the board should be allowed, who are we to judge? i really hate humans at times like this!!Sharon Williams
Seems to me that no one likes anyone to have an opinion that is different to theirs – I guess that makes everyone a bigot! Hoorah..we’re all the same!!Andy Thearle
it was deemed wrong "in the eyes of God" VixDuncan Knifton
treating a fellow human being as a sub-race IS wrong….surely??Duncan Knifton
Sad to see, but this probably comes down the the government not wanting to give the pending married couples tax allowance to anyone in a same sex marrige, as this will not have been bugeted for in the so called deficit reduction.Alistair Dickinson
Mr Turner has the right to vote as he pleases on this issue but he should not suggest that the Island overwhelmingly supports him on this. I’ve emailed him to let him know my views and I suggest anyone who supports the Bill should do the same.Nerys Welfoot
Opportunity to go down in history missed, Turner, you join the long list of forgettables that were scared of change.Dyna Mite Dave
Alistair – this is a Government Bill that Mr Turner is rebelling against.Nerys Welfoot
ShamefulJoel Jenvey
He needs to get a life an let people get on with there’s hho cares if u gay or not it’s society an people should be aloud to live as they please bein gay or straight were all the same an human an should b treated the same xCarol Phillips
Nerys – yes that is right, but if he was in favour then he commits to a tax incentive for those in a civil partnership, I’m being cynical here and suggesting everything comes down to moneyAlistair Dickinson
This implies that he slavishly votes to curry the most favour, regardless of the issues involved. It is difficult to imagine that any gay person would want to have anything to do with the church but if they wish to marry there, then respect their rights.Jan Toms
well, I would be interested in the numbers of people who have written in to him…Lee Trenaman
Probably Beryl from next door.Scott Humm
I’ve emailed him as he does not represent my view. If he really wanted to know how we all feel about it he could have have contacted people weeks ago through the media so we could have given him a true picture of feelings on this matter.Irene Craig
I refuse to use my right to vote until they give me a ‘none of the above’ box to do it with. Why be forced into voting for one evil over another. Not that it makes any difference, whoever wins the government get in.Tanith Eireann Budden
Shame on you AndrewEric Lawson
Well said tanith, I could not agree moreTracey Pearce
Duncan Knifton – You have quoted it was deemed wrong "in the eyes of God" so why did he send down his only son to forgive us all and accept our differencesJackie Darke
someone should spite him this comment thread, doesn’t look like anyone supports his argumentDino Pavledis
Disgusting, not that he or his party ever get my vote, but seriously, stop re-electing this homophobic douche bag.Rob Forrest
What a very sad man!!! I cant believe people like him still exist in our society. How can he be given a free voice to state such primitive beliefs and yet people with more decency and humanity are pushed to one side.Wendy Dixon

Image: © IslandMP