Andrew Turner’s Dog Pops Someone’s ‘Socks’

Anyone who attended The County Show last weekend, will no doubt already know about this rather sad story, but for those of you who didn’t, grab yourself a box of tissues before you read on.

poor little polecatIsland Tory MP, Andrew Turner had to say a very BIG sorry to a lady from Cowes on Sunday as his Jack Russell terrier, Bert, mauled her polecat to death in front of crowds of onlookers.

Apparently, Mr Turner got himself in a pickle when Bert’s lead got caught up with that of his other dog, aptly named, Pickles. Speedy Bert, a previous winner of the 2004 terrier racing competition, spotted the polecat from 20 yards, took chase and then a huge bite refusing to let go.

It’s reported that only a bucket of cold water and four people finally managed get the little terror off the polecat, but sadly it was all too late for dear little Socks (that’s the name of the polecat).

The poor owner watched on in horror as Bert threw her little socks from side to side, but being a balanced human being, she understood that he was just following his natural instincts.

Sadly Socks had to be put down by the show’s vet.

No doggie treats for Bert this week.