Frank Fl​etcher, ​Thomas R​ichards ​from Ama​bi and C​hloe Per​sons

Anniversary party raises over £2,000 for Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust

This in from the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust. Ed

After a successful first year in business, Cowes restaurant Amabi celebrated with a Sangria and Pintxo Party. During the evening, Amabi held a sealed bid auction with all proceeds going to the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.

The auction raised a valuable £2,246.32, which will enable the Trust to take four young people in recovery from cancer on their four day sailing trip next summer.

Helping provide opportunities for others
At the cheque presentation Thomas Richards from Amabi was joined by Chloe Persons who, after finishing treatment in May 2006 for Ewings Sarcoma, has returned to sail with the Trust on ten occasions, both as a young person in recovery from cancer and as a graduate volunteer helping others follow in her footsteps.

Thomas commented

“After meeting Chloe it reinforced the great work that the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust do. Hearing how she came to the Trust after her treatment, and hearing of her journey through the Trust to be now helping those who are in a situation she was once in is truly wonderful.

“We are all incredibly proud to have raised the money we did. This will allow the Trust to provide many more wonderful opportunities for young people – something that truly fantastic, and makes the efforts and generosity of many people connected to our event worthwhile.”

Frank Fletcher CEO of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust added,

“We would like to thank the whole team at Amabi restaurant for making the event such a huge success. We would also like to thank all of the generous local businesses who donated prizes for the auction.”

Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust
Launched in 2003, the aim of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust is to give young people in recovery from cancer the chance to rebuild their confidence through sailing. In their 11th year, the Trust has grown beyond every expectation into a national charity. Working with every young person Principal Treatment Centre and a growing number of Designated Units in the UK.

Sailing trips are provided completely free of charge to the young people. The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust does not receive funding from the Government or NHS, so is reliant on donations. It is thanks to fundraisers like Thomas and the continued support of the staff at Amabi that the Trust continues to grow.

To donate and help them to continue to provide support and encouragement to young people in recovery from cancer visit our Website.

Image: CEO of t​he Ellen​ MacArth​ur Cance​r Trust ​Frank Fl​etcher, ​Thomas R​ichards ​from Ama​bi and C​hloe Per​sons