Appeal for witnesses after pet cat is shot in Ryde

This in from the police, in their own words. Ed

Police investigating the shooting of a cat in Ryde on the Isle of Wight are appealing for witnesses.

telephone-esparta-230The 13-year-old grey and white pet cat was shot with an air weapon of some kind using what is believed to be a .22 calibre pellet sometime between 2.45pm and 3.00pm on Tuesday, March 26, 2013.

Cat put down due to injuries
The injured cat was found in Pellhurst Road, Ryde, but may have been shot elsewhere and crawled there before being discovered.

The animal was taken to the vets as a result of its injuries, where it was immediately put down.

Tragic case
Investigating Officer PC Benjamin Burfitt said: “We are appealing for any possible witnesses in this tragic case, where a defenceless animal and loved pet has suffered horrific internal injuries as the result of being shot.

“It is believed that many people may have been around as this is a busy part of the day in an area near to a school grounds.”

Get in touch
Anyone with information can contact PC Burfitt at Ryde Police Station by phoning 101. Information can be given anonymously by phoning the independent Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.