Artistic Warning About Pouring Fat Or Oil Down The Sink

We love this eye-catching 3D pavement artwork created by Joe Hill.

Fatty mural by Joe HillIt has been created to raise the awareness of Southern Water’s Fight the Fat Campaign, which aims to get people to stop pouring fat, oils and grease into their sinks and dishwashers.

As you’ll see from the illustration below, tipping leftover fat and grease down the kitchen sink or toilet could cause some rather gruesome outcomes.

How does it happen?
When you pour fat and oil from greasy pots and pans down the sink (even if washing with soap and water), as the liquids cool it can thicken again, building up a gooey gunge that could cause a blockage in pipes and sewers.

Some handy tips
Southern Water have sent some handy tips to share with you.

  • Never pour fat, oils or grease down sink drains or toilets.
  • Instead, scrape or tip cold fat, oils and grease, as well as food scraps from plates or saucepans into the bin before dishes are washed up or put in the dishwasher.
  • Where appropriate, try to reuse oil and fat.
  • Your local authority recycling centre is likely to have an oil and fat recycling facility.

Fatty mural by Joe Hill