£35,000 proposal for Floating Bridge generators welcomed, but replacement progress lacks speed argues councillor
19, January 2013·1 min readDaft Old Duffer: Britain’s Bright Future?Daft Old Duffer returns with his regular weekly column and reflects on the Island's truancy rates
12, January 2013·2 min readDaft Old Duffer: Empty Tank?Daft Old Duffer returns with his regular weekly column.
12, January 2013·2 min readDaft Old Duffer: Handy-ManDaft Old Duffer returns with his regular weekly column.
5, January 2013·1 min readDaft Old Duffer: Sit Down And Don’t Be HeardDaft Old Duffer returns with his weekly column and shares an idea for peaceful protest
29, December 2012·2 min readDaft Old Duffer: The Death Of ChristmasDaft Old Duffer shares topical observations about the recent Christmas holidays.
22, December 2012·2 min readDaft Old Duffer: Keeping us safeDaft Old Duffer ponders on possible reasons why police stopped and incorrectly accused an Island driver of unlawful tread depth on his tyres.
8, December 2012·2 min readDaft Old Duffer: Serves Them Right – Doesn’t It?Daft Old Duffer returns and picks up the conversation about DWP officers questioning motorists stopped by police last week.
1, December 2012·1 min readDaft Old Duffer: Gadget PhobiaDaft Old Duffer is back with his weekly column with his take on how to react to news of new shiny gadgets coming onto the market.
24, November 2012·2 min readDaft Old Duffer: Stop the World I want to get back onDaft Old Duffer is back with his weekly column and finds that fast food is not as simple as he thought it might be
17, November 2012·1 min readDaft Old Duffer: Hooray! At Last! (Possibly)Daft Old Duffer is back with his weekly column and he's excited about the new plans for Island tourism
10, November 2012·2 min readDaft Old Duffer: For Your ConvenienceDaft Old Duffer is back with his weekly musing, this time comparing the merits of a book with a Kindle.
3, November 2012·2 min readDaft Old Duffer: I Itch Therefore I AmDaft Old Duffer is back with his weekly musings and he's got an itch or two he'd like to tell you about