This reader from Seaview says the plans to build 16 high-end houses on the grounds of Priory Bay Hotel could lead to the destruction of what's believed to be ancient woodland.
Residents in Adgestone are confused as to why Lower Road - which they say is an important local link - has been closed by Island Roads since 7th June and work has still not started.
This letter makes it clear there's at least one Ventnorian that feels conned by the re-opened, repainted Ventnor Winter Gardens. Where's the fancy hotel and restaurants that won the bid, they ask.
Our reader asks Isle of Wight MP, Andrew Turner, how he can balance voting to boost his own housing benefit before then voting to take housing benefit away from the poorest in society.
Although all votes were won without dissent, this observer to the first Cabinet meeting of the new council found it to be far more open, friendly and helpful than those under the previous administration.
In response to the proposed recommended changes to the Island's Music Service, an amateur Island musician shares with us her argument for keeping peripatetic music teachers, citing that poorer children wouldn't be able to afford music lessons and the quality of Island music education would drop immensely.