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Sally Perry is Co-founder, Editor and Reporter at Isle of Wight News from OnTheWight.
Sally has been recognised nationally for her in-depth coverage of the three-week occupation of a factory by workers. As commented at the time, “[they] gave the national and local media a run for its money with its comprehensive coverage of the industrial dispute".
She also received an award for her dogged persistence in highlighting the plight of landlocked Ventnor Undercliff residents following a major landslide (over 200 articles in four+ years).
As well as covering local democracy and holding those in power to account for their decisions, OnTheWight is a champion of The Arts, regularly celebrating the creative talents of Islanders.
Take an audio tour with artist Kathy Williams, so you can have the benefit of the artist telling you about the work as you look at it - the inspiration, how she created it, etc.
Council Leader Phil Jordan says, "Councillor Blake did not convince anyone whatsoever to open the road nor to remove Island Roads from ‘control’ of the road". Cllr Ed Blake refutes these claims.
This year the pop-up bookshop in a 1930s Parisian Bus is open on the Fridays and Saturdays of Ventnor Fringe, rather than throughout, so make sure you visit on those days