Autumn Courses for Performance in Ventnor

Heather Pimentel, the lady who brought you Interact has two new courses starting in September. If this is your bag, read on. Ed

Autumn Courses for Performance in VentnorLifelines
Everyone has a story to tell, we’d love to hear yours.

In this course, you get to devise a short monologue, based on your experience (whether serious, humorous, thought provoking or all of these) and develop skills and confidence to put it across expressively. Voice, Acting and writing.

The course runs over 10 weeks every Saturday morning between 10am-11.30am. It starts on 6th September (excludes 1st November) and the price for the course is just £18.

If you’d like to gain some qualifications, why not try the LAMDA accredited examination course?

The course gives a good grounding in Vocal techniques and acting. It includes regular one to one coaching (times by arrangement).

You will be expected to pay £10 towards your exam entrance fee and the course takes place on Saturdays mornings just after the previous one from 11.45am-12.45pm (excludes 1st November).

The cost for this course is £22.

If you choose to do both courses, there is a special fee of just £38.

New students wishing to be entered for a November exam should contact tutor as early as possible before term starts

If you’d like to register to just find out more, give Heather a call on 857354 – and don’t forget to tell her where you heard about it.