Banners outside Arreton primary school with photo inset of Maria Herbert

Banners go up to demand the return of much-loved Headteacher, following her unexpected departure (update 2)

The sudden departure of an Isle of Wight primary school Headteacher has left parents and pupils angry and upset.

Banners have been placed on the school fencing at the entrance to the Arreton St George’s CE (Aided) Primary School following the sudden departure of Mrs Maria Herbert, who became Headteacher to the village school in September 2020.

The signs read ‘Mrs Herbert IS Arreton Primary’ and ‘Save our Head, bring back Mrs Herbert’.

Hemming: “After careful consideration Maria will be leaving”
Some parents have laid the blame of the sudden departure of Mrs Herbert – who has worked at the school for 15 years – with the Board of Governors.

The Chair of Governors, Eric Hemming, issued the following statement,

“After careful consideration Maria will be leaving the school. We know that this has been a difficult decision.

“She has always given all of herself for the benefit of the school’s children and the whole Arreton family.

“We will all miss her constant presence in the school, her kindness, commitment and support for everyone; and in expressing our immense gratitude for her service we wish her every success and contentment as she moves forward.”

According to the Ed-WISE Website, although his career was in healthcare management, when Mr Hemming retired to Island he became a school governor and later Chair of Governors. He is also the Chair of Ed-WISE.

In the letter sent to parents by the Chair of Governors, a comment from Mrs Herbert (Maria) read,

“Thank you for all your support, kindness and friendship during my time at Arreton. It has been a pleasure and a great privilege to be part of the Arreton family and I will miss you all very much.

“I wish you all success, health and happiness for the future.”

New executive Headteacher
In the school’s latest newsletter (17th Jan 2022), Mrs Rebecca Day, a Headteacher at Gatten and Lake Primary School, introduces herself to parents as the new executive Headteacher.

Federation dissolved
When the reorganisation of schools from three-tiers to two-tiers took place in 2010, Arreton CE Primary joined a federation with Oakfield CE Primary.

That federation has now been dissolved, meaning a change of Governors for both schools.

Article edit
6.30am 24th Jan 2022 – Repetition of ‘Arreton and’ – and ‘career was in’ removed
7.45am 24th Jan 2022 – Comment CoG Letter from Mrs Herbert added