Closed Path Sign

Bembridge Coast path may reopen say Isle of Wight Ramblers

Many thanks to David Howarth, Area Chairman, Isle of Wight Ramblers, for sharing this latest news. Ed

Part of the notorious coast path at Whitecliff Bay may soon reopen. A diversion order has been posted which will change the line of the path around Whitecliff Bay.

Local residents and walkers from the Island and the mainland have been campaigning for the reinstatement of this spectacular path.

Diversion to Foreland
It is hoped that a similar diversion may be possible to reinstate the section to Foreland when funds are available in 2014. This path was closed in January 2010.

David Howarth, Area Chairman, Isle of Wight Ramblers, said

“This is excellent news and, at last, we are pleased to see the positive response from the Council. We will support them in opening this section of path as soon as possible.”