Bestival 2010: Fancy Dress Theme Announced

Bestival 2010: Fantasy Fancy DressAnyone who has been to Bestival over the years will testify to the amazing effort thousands of the people go when it comes to fancy dress (like the guy pictured here from last year).

This is not just a matter of buying a wig and throwing on some odd looking clothes (although that always works well if you’ve left it too late).

Those who go to great lengths and spend many months creating their masterpieces are always grateful for an early heads up.

So to announce this year’s theme, heeeeeerrrrrrrreeeeeeesssssss Robby!

“Roll up, roll up tribe of the Bestivalites”¦ Descend from your starships, rise out of the seabed, fall from the stars, unleash the magick and release your imagination into our 2010 world of FANTASY.

“Open the gates and welcome in Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz, The Lord of the Rings, hobbits, trolls, elves, fairies, the Odyssey, King Arthur, Merlin, the Dong with the luminous nose, William Morris, A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe, Willy Wonka, Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, Harry Potter, Spirited Away, The Time Machine, Star Wars, The Incredible Hulk, magick, the supernatural, Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Lord Ganesh, Fantasy Island, Caractacus Potts, Tarzan, Veruca Salt, zombies!’ The only limit is how far your mind’s eye can see””¦

There you go folks, plenty to get your teeth into there and plenty of time to get creative.

For full listing of all bands and DJs and how to get tickets check out On The Wight