Bestival: College Students Display Artwork

Please try and find some time this Saturday to pop over to Isle of Wight College between 10am and 2pm to check out the excellent artwork produced by the college’s design students.

Bestival 2007End of year exhibitions are always worth checking out, we’ve been to many over the years. We did two last week in fact, RCA in London and another in Portsmouth which were both great. They are always inspirational and a brilliant way to discover new talent.

This one at the Isle of Wight College, might spark some fond memories for any of you who have a love for all things Bestival.

The Level 2 BTEC First Diploma in Design students will be exhibiting a collection of pieces designed to promote the award-winning boutique festival.

“All work is the students’ response to a brief set by tutors for the final project. This type of project, motivated by a live brief, is an excellent experience for the students who benefit from the input of a real client.”

There is a real mixture of things on show, from 60s/punk inspired fancy dress, a 3D tipi, posters, poi and website design.

Work from the Level 1 BTEC Introductory Diploma in Design students, designed to promote their course will also be on display. This collection includes painting, photography, textiles, mixed media, graphics and sculpture.

The exhibition will be open to the public at the IOW College Open Day, Saturday 23rd June 10am-2pm and can be found on the top floor of the Art and Design building at the Isle of Wight College.

This is a great opportunity to check out the burgeoning talent at the college and spark some interest in any creative kids wondering what to do after they leave high school.

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