Bestival Update: Get High (60 Feet In The Treetops)

It’s not all just about the music you know, Bestival has bundles of other things to do if you fancy a change of scenery.

tree climbing at robin hillAmongst other things, I was very excited to see that within the BestiValley green area (which is between the village and the small pond near the campsite) we’ll have a chance to try our hand at Tree Climbing. There are some bumper trees there, so the views from the 60ft tree tops (should you make it that far) are going to spectacular.

For the health and safety freaks out there, be assured that is all under control. The wonderful people from Goodleaf Climbing Adventures will be in charge of proceedings and everyone will be given a safety briefing, harnesses and a hard hat before being allowed to climb to their hearts content. Once you have climbed as high as you personally can go, you can then choose to hang out in the canopy watching the Bandstand and other village activities and waving to your mates before you come down by abseiling through the branches. Sounds amazing and something I’ll definitely be trying.

But the activities don’t stop there. Sculptor and basketmaker Tim Johnson is going to be weaving some special spaces for us all to enjoy! Using locally grown withies, Tim will be combining traditional weaving techniques with his fascination for the intricate nests of African Weaverbirds. Sounds intriguing and worth stopping by to experience.

If you find that your creative juices are flowing and need some immediate chanelling you can also get involved in clay sculpture making with Dawn Campbell using homegrown Isle of Wight clay! And for those of you who enjoy sewing, there’s a chance to decorate and sew a triangle for the Bestival Bunting. All proceeds will be going towards the new Chemotherapy Department at St Mary’s Hospital.

For the more practical amongst you, ‘How to Build a Wind Turbine’ – might be more up your street (or across your field). Take in the full step-by-step instructions for building your own ‘axial flux’ alternator, from carving the blades to welding a frame. There will be full lists of materials, suppliers and tools for the job and the wind turbine on display will be powering the other exhibits!

This is just a slice of activities available at what is going to be the best weekend of the year. Tickets are almost sold out, so get in there quick if you haven’t got yours yet. £95 for adult islander and £105 for adult mainlanders (add booking fee of £4.70 to both if buying online).

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