People at Pride march with banners reading ' love is a human right'

Breakout Youth offers a safe space for LGBTQ+ young people

It’s natural to question your identity at some point – but only you can decide whether or not you’re gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, or identify with a different gender to the one you were assigned at birth.

Whether you’re confidently LGBTQ+ or are questioning or unsure of your sexuality or gender identity, Breakout Youth is here to offer help, support, guidance, and a lot of fun along the way.

What is Breakout Youth?
Breakout Youth is a charity for LGBTQ+ young people in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight that provides support for young members of the LGBTQ+ community between the ages of 11 and 25.

We offer in person youth group sessions on the Island, as well as 1:1 support sessions and guidance.

Our commitment
We are a confidential service, and take your privacy seriously. We have a strict policy of never ‘outing’ the young people we work with.

We are committed to safeguarding, and actively work to ensure that young people are safe from abuse and harm. All of our All of our young people and members of staff are treated fairly and equally

How do I get involved?
Whether you’re a young person who wants to join, or a parent or professional with a question, you can reach us by email or telephone.

You can also sign up using the referral form on our Website.  

Impact of Covid
The LGBT Foundation have released a report on the impact of Covid-19 on LGBTQ+ people communities in the UK and found that LGBTQ+ young people are set to be even more at risk because of their time in Lockdown.

This also comes at a time where hate crimes reported against LGBTQ+ people between the ages of 12 and 21 have more than doubled in the past five years, and yet the number of prosecutions has dropped by more than a third. 

Support is here for you
We are committed to working with schools, colleges and the wider community to ensure that you can provide much needed support to vulnerable LGBTQ+ people.  

See their Breakout Youth Website for more information, or follow them on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

News shared by Carol on behalf of Breakout Youth. Ed

Image: carrier_lost under CC BY 2.0