Pupils step back in time for Bugsy Malone production

Pupils at St Francis Catholic & Church of England Primary School in Ventnor haven’t had time to get too excited about the upcoming summer holidays.

Jodie Foster in Bugsy MaloneInstead they’ve been too busy rehearsing for the school’s latest production, Bugsy Malone.

Budding actors and actresses will be performing Bugsy Malone on Thursday 11th July, Friday 12th July at 6pm and also Saturday 13th July at 2pm.

All are invited to the new school to watch the performances.

A spokesperson for the school told OnTheWight,

“The children have been working extremely hard in preparation for the production and are very excited about it taking place in our new school building in Ventnor. It should be amazing!!”

Tickets are £2.00 and are available from the School Office.