Cabinet Meeting Tonight

Cabinet Meeting TonightThe Isle of Wight Council’s Cabinet will be meeting tonight and there are several items on the agenda that should be of interest to VB readers.

Following the independent review of several small schools some of which were earmarked for closure, schools reorganisation plans for Nettlestone; Brading; St Helen’s; Shalfleet and Yarmouth will be discussed.

Still on the subject of schools, Alan Wells will be reporting on the “policy options resulting from the analysis of transport need in respect of a school lift for the proposed new primary and secondary system of school organisation.”

The Cabinet Member for Residents, Resources and the Fire Service will report on the Capital Programme Review, the Value for Money Strategy and Action Plan.
(c) Financial Management Report for Quarter 3 (to 31 December 2008), Predicted Outturn(?) at 31 March 2009 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2009/10 to 2011/12.

Also on the agenda will be discussions regarding changes to the Local Area Agreement.

We’re unable to make the meeting, if anyone is about to report back fro our readers, please get in touch.

The meeting takes place in Committee Room 1 at County Hall from 6pm. There is an ability for the public to ask questions at the beginning of the meeting, but an answer is not guaranteed without prior notice.

Check out the full agenda

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