Cafe Scientifique: Learn about ‘Astrobiology’

Next Monday’s Cafe Scientifique should appeal to anyone who with an interest in all things extra-terrestrial.

Dr Lewis Dartnell:Dr Lewis Dartnell, a UK Space Agency research fellow based at the University of Leicester, will be giving a talk entitled, ‘Astrobiology – the hunt for alien life’.

What is ‘Astrobiology’?
He tells us that ‘Astrobiology’ is a brand new field of science, encompassing research into the origins and limits of life on our own planet, and where life might exist beyond the Earth.

But what actually is ‘life’ and how did it emerge on our own world?

What are the most extreme conditions terrestrial life can tolerate?

And where in the cosmos might we reasonably expect to find ET?

Dr Dartnell will take you on a tour of the other planets and moons in our solar system which may harbour life, and even further afield to alien worlds we’ve discovered orbiting distant stars, to explore one of the greatest questions ever asked: are we alone…?

Where and when
The talk takes place in the Regency Suite at the Shanklin Conservative Club on Monday 13th May at 7pm.

The Regency Suite is above the Conservative Club in Shanklin in Palmerston Road just off The High Street. The nearest car park is in Landguard Road and only two or three minutes walk to the Conservative Club. Parking is free after 6pm.

Entry is £3.

Find out more about Dr Dartnell by visiting his Website

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