Cafe Scientifique: Can You Help With Lift Share?

Next Monday sees the return of Cafe Scientifique to the Isle of Wight.

Passenger seatThe speaker will be Professor Chris Rhodes who, after an academic career in chemistry, set up his own consultancy in 2003 dealing with energy problems and aspects of environmental issues.

He will be coming down from Reading to talk about “What Happens when the Oil Runs Out”.

Lift share needed
If you want to help conserve energy, here’s a direct way you can help.

A call has come in from organisers to anyone who could offer a lift to one of the attendees.

He lives off Ryde Esplanade and currently has an eye problem so cannot drive.

Please get in touch with VB if you can and we’ll pass on your details.

Find out more about the event by visiting Events OnTheWight

Image: ebwolf under CC BY 2.0

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