writing in a pad

Calling all budding writers: Don’t miss this short story competition

Are you a budding author? If so, this competition is for you!

The Isle of Wight Society for the Blind, in association with Carol and Bob Bridgestock and Waterstones, would like you to write a short story about Christmas.

This is a great opportunity to become a published author. We are hoping to have twenty four great prizes for the winners, including the three winning categories having their story recorded by a celebrity.

Radio interview
The winners will also be invited to join the team at Vectis Radio to be interviewed on air and Vectis Radio have agreed, this year, to give the winners a podcast of their visit/interview along with a podcast of their story, hence the celebrity involvement.

There will also be a trophy, provided by Newport Parish Council, for the Under 12s category, and certificates for winners. The winner from this category will have their story printed in the newspaper; the other categories will have their stories published online.

Prizes galore
We are still receiving prizes from local businesses and individuals and a full list will be published nearer the time but previous prizes have included Bestival tickets, vouchers for travel on Wightlink and family tickets to a major football match.

Awards ceremony
There will be an Awards Ceremony on Monday 19th December at Newport Minster where the Lord Lieutenant, Martin White, the High Sheriff, Robin Courage and Bob & Carol Bridgestock (best-selling crime authors – RC Bridgestock) will be in attendance to help host the event, along with staff and volunteers from the Isle of Wight Society for the Blind.

There will also be festive refreshments, stalls and we are hoping for a full house as there will be something for everyone.

The details
Stories must be between 1500– 2000 words for adults and up to 750 words for under 18s.

Entry is £5 per story for adults and £2 per story for under 18s.

Entry forms must be returned to Waterstones by Thursday 10th November. Entry Forms available from Waterstones & Isle of Wight Society for the Blind [email protected]

Image: froderik under CC BY 2.0