Can You Spare A Boat Or Two For Pelicans?

Seaview Wildlife Encounter are in need of our help.

Pelican's nesting boatThe Pink-Backed Pelicans at the wildlife attraction lost their ‘clinker’ nesting boats over the winter.

We’re told that these boats were favoured by the Pink-Backed Pelicans’ as the best place for nest-building, but sadly the boats deteriorated to the point of complete disintegration over the winter.

The boats need replacing and this is where you come in.

Does anyone out there have a spare clinker boat (or two) that could be donated to the park.

We understand that the boats don’t have to be waterproof or able to float (or even whole!). They will be used as somewhere that the Pelicans can nest and hopefully it’ll encourage them to start laying eggs.

Seaview Pelicans

In addition to old wooden fishing boats if anyone has any old fishing gear that they could donate – such as crab/lobster pots, floats, buoys, etc – these would undoubtedly enhance Pelican Bay and would be very much appreciated.

Any help greatly appreciated and rewarded with complimentary family passes for Seaview Wildlife Encounter.

Get in touch with the park by calling 01983 612261 or emailing on