Clutter bus:

Cassandra Gardiner: Clutter

Our new columnist, Cassandra Gardiner returns with this week’s offering. Guest opinion articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the publication. Ed

Sometimes I wish I could take my brain out, give it a good soak, wash, a bit of a pamper, pop it back in and start afresh. It’s simply not that easy.

Having a good clear-out of unwanted stuff, particularly experiences, to mentally re-position even to the point of re-establishing the self would be so useful.

Free yourself
There are plenty of songs about starting over and the appeal is there. To put back on the shelf miserable events, unsuccessful outcomes and bug-bears, then walk away feeling fresh and free of burden.

There are numerous books guiding us through stress and the periods in our lives when we reach the low depths. It can get quite dark down there.

Life is interesting
Keeping abreast of what life brings us takes a strong swimmer and still there are times when the currents can pull the swimmer down. But I have to admit, life is interesting.

As time passes, that old adage ‘Life’s what you make it’ grows like a climbing rose around the door. Indeed I could discard and throw off some of the memories that are sad, even painful to re-collect, but they stay nestled in the vaults. As time passes, stored away secrets, regrets and happenings can be re-viewed with age. Through life’s meddlings and journeys visions change.

Life goes on
What once was strived for, aged 20 years, upon reflection brings a smile aged forty years plus. Like a roosting hen waiting for her eggs to hatch, so too it is worth waiting to remember, and perhaps through tears, how something so painful can remind you of how great you are, to have coped and continued.

It’s not something that will happen overnight but a fortitude that can be acknowledged as time passes and the emotions adapt.

Time for a spring clean?
As the New Year starts I find myself questioning is it too early to start spring cleaning? There is only so much space and once its filled where can the new things go?

It may take a while to re-organize, mull over what’s still needed and what can go.

Some things will remain boxed
Deciding to let go of moments as they were to create room for memories as they now are. Some things will remain boxed not ready for opening yet.

De-cluttering is like opening the window and letting fresh air in. Taking a deep breath of something essential then releasing out what’s not needed. It stimulates the body and the mind.

A sense of pride and satisfaction
It isn’t always easy to start and can seem like a mountain of a task, but even just emptying that cupboard under the stairs can bring a wonderful feeling of simple pride in what you have achieved.

Image: Linus Art under CC BY 2.0

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