St Mary's Hospital cone by Auntie P

CCG bid for local control of health services for Islanders

This in from IW NHS, in their own words, Ed

NHS England has asked all CCGs to submit an expression of interest if they wish to take greater responsibility for the commissioning of primary care. There have been concerns both locally and nationally that the lack of local control over primary medical care is hindering moves towards integrated working and out of hospital care.

NHS IWCCG has developed an expression of interest in consultation with CCG members (GP practices on the Island), other CCGs in the Wessex area and NHS England aimed at taking a more formal role in primary care.

Caroline Morris, Head of Primary Care and Corporate Business at Isle of Wight CCG said:

“Most decisions about how primary care services operate take place over the water in Southampton at NHS England offices. The CCG here on the Island wants greater control over our own local health system so we can realise the Island’s Health and Social Care strategy. We are particularly interested in measures which better support the shared vision for health and social care on the Island and improve the integration of services.

“There are risks in seeking more involvement in primary care commissioning and also in not doing so. If NHS England approves our proposals, we will need to be very clear with the public how we manage any potential conflicts of interests with GPs, on the other hand if we do not seek to take responsibility for primary care a key part of the health system remains outside local control and makes it more difficult to achieve true integration.”

The key elements the CCG has expressed an interest in are:

  • To be co-commissioners in relation to strategic decisions about premises and the future shape of primary care in order to support the transformation our local health system.
  • To take full responsibility for Enhanced Primary Care Services, and influence over other contracts for primary care where they impact on the local health economy and the shape of NHS services for the Island.
  • To be granted the power to enable the CCG to co-fund investment in primary care to achieve wider strategy alongside NHS England.
  • To be able to determine in line with our local strategy how procurements should be undertaken and take decisions regarding changes to primary care services such as mergers or closures.
  • To co-commission pharmacy services as far as the law will allow to widen their role in primary care.

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Auntie P