Climate change campaigners on march with banner reading there is no planet B
Image: li an lim under CC BY 2.0

Celebrate and collaborate with environmental groups at Isle of Wight Greenpeace event

Isle of Wight Greenpeace invites Islanders to meet Island groups who are working hard to protect our Island and planet.

The event takes place on 12th October at the Unitarian Meeting House, 9 High Street, Newport. PO30 1SS between 1pm and 3pm.

Speeches and open discussion
The event will start with each group giving a brief description of what they do and sharing their hopes and concerns. There will also be an open discussion and give people the opportunity to network.

The event will be part of the Climate Coalition’s Common Grounds Day of Action and this involves groups such as WWF, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and the Climate Coalition.

100 days since the General Election
The date is significant in that it will be 100 days since the General Election.

We have invited a variety of environmental groups, as well as our MPs and local councillors.

Showcasing work
Environmental groups will have a stall to showcase what they are doing so we can gain more awareness of the good work being done on the Island.

Also to find out what people would want to see happen going forward. We hope to build more bridges within the groups and support each other where possible.

The Wildlife Trust, Blue Seas Protection, Plastic Free Bembridge, and Together for Mission Zero have committed to attending.

As well as networking, it is an opportunity to celebrate and recognise some of the amazing works that these groups and individuals volunteer to do.

News shared by Stephanie on behalf of Isle of Wight Greenpeace. Ed