carol singers

Christmas carol concert and auction support Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust

This in from the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust. Ed

The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust held their second annual Christmas Carol Concert at The Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes on Friday 11th December.

The event, supported by Hose Rhodes Dickson Estate Agents, was attended by more than 100 people, who got into the Christmas spirit with sing-a-long carols and festive treats.

Tickets raised £900
Thanks to funding from Hose Rhodes Dickson, the Island’s largest independent estate agency, the entire £900 raised through ticket sales, raffle and auction will go directly to The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.

This money will directly enable more young people to take part in sailing activities to rebuild their confidence and inspire them for the future.

Busby: “Proud to support such an incredible cause”
Jamie Busby, Partner, Hose Rhodes Dickson said:

“The Partners of Hose Rhodes Dickson are proud to be supporting such an incredible cause.

“It is a privilege to be given the opportunity to assist in raising funds for a charity whose mission is to empower young people beyond the challenges of cancer.”

Carol singers
Carollers from Cowes Primary School and ladies’ barbershop group, Wight Satin, lead the singing at the Royal Yacht Squadron.

The Cowes Primary Choristers, a group of 13 school children aged between 8 to 11, led by Mr Robert Praetig, opened the event for the second year running. They delighted the audience with songs, carols, instrumental and solo performances. Wight Satin, the well-known Ladies’ Barbershop Chorus from the Isle of Wight performed beautiful soulful harmonies and Christmas classics such as ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’ getting everyone involved.

Fast-paced auction
Following the carols and mince pies, CEO of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, Frank Fletcher, began the quick fire auction for the Trust’s Christmas tree in all its glory with lights and baubles. The bids flew in and the hammer finally went down at £60, adding to the grand total of the evening.

Frank Fletcher commented,

“It is so heart-warming to see the support from local Island people and businesses for our work. We rely on fundraising and donations to make a difference to the lives of young people in recovery from cancer, and we would like to thank everyone for coming along and helping our cause.”

Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust
Launched in 2003, the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust is a national charity that gives young people in recovery from cancer the chance to rebuild their confidence through sailing. Embarking on its 12th year, the Trust has grown beyond every expectation into a national charity. Working with every young person Principal Treatment Centre and a growing number of Designated Units in the UK.

As the Trust receives no government funding and does not charge fees, they therefore rely 100% on voluntary funding. There are many ways you can support The Trust with your time, money or services. To become a Friend of the Trust and help them to continue to provide support and encouragement to young people in recovery from cancer visit.

Find out about the impact of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust by visiting the Website.

Image: tabor-roeder under CC BY 2.0