Commissioner launches Police and Crime Plan


This in from the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, in their own words. Ed

Simon Hayes, Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire is set to launch his Police and Crime Plan 2013-2017.

The Commissioner will be unveiling his four year plan at a key stakeholder event in Winchester on Thursday evening, March 21, before it is implemented on April 1.

Top priority
The plan became one of Mr Hayes top priorities after his election at the end of November and had to be produced as soon as practicable after taking office. It has been completed in record breaking time of 115 days to meet deadlines set by legislative requirements of the Secretary of State.

Under the previous Police Authority, this would have been worked on over many months, a luxury of time Mr Hayes did not have.

Commissioner’s vision
The plan outlines the Commissioner’s vision and priorities for policing and community safety across the two counties of Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

It has been influenced by what the Commissioner learnt through consultation events held with members of the public. This includes community safety partners who will be instrumental in delivering the plan alongside the police.

Key areas
It will focus on four key areas designed to cut crime, protect the public and make communities even safer. They are:

  • Improving frontline policing to deter criminals and keep communities safe
  • Place victims and witnesses at the heart of policing and wider criminal justice system
  • Work together to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in your community
  • Reducing reoffending

The Commissioner said: “I am committed to working with partners and stakeholders to ensure the safety of the community and delivery of effective criminal justice. My vision is to make Hampshire and the Isle of Wight even safer by improving community safety, cutting crime and reducing re-offending. I believe that by inclusion, community co-operation and consultation; we can work together to deliver the right outcomes.

The Commissioner concluded: “My challenge to the Chief Constable is for him to build on the areas of excellence around the two counties and reduce crime and the number of victims even further. The priorities in my plan have been driven by the views of the public. I will do my best to ensure that they are all delivered by the time my term of office ends.”

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