Ventnor Skatepark during the refurbishment works

Community collaboration and crowdfunding fuel Ventnor Skatepark improvements

Work on the new concrete obstacles at Ventnor Skatepark is going well.

A trusty team of skatepark builders are over from the Mainland to help improve the space at Ventnor’s skatepark on the Eastern Esplanade.

They began work on Saturday and have already completed the base work prior to concrete being added on Tuesday to Thursday this week.

Share your muscle
If you have some spare time and can help out, all hands are very welcome. Just head down to the skatepark when you can.

Donate to the fundraiser
If you can’t be hands-on and have some spare pennies to add to the pot, there is a Just Giving Page up and running ready to take your donations.

Following the launch of the fundraiser last week, the team said,

“Thanks so much to everyone who has donated – we have been really touched by the generosity.

“All money raised will ensure we don’t have to scrimp on this current DIY project so we can get as much done as possible in the week.

“Any remaining funds will stay with us so we can do more in the future (as well as work on the longer term goal of getting a full concrete permanent park at the site).”

Ventnor Skatepark Group is a registered charity (No. 1165271).