News in from our friends at the Ventnor Community Projects, that they are looking for help to raise cash to fund the purchase and running of a Community Minibus.
The needs of local, not for profit /charitable groups, clubs, and organisations have not been forgotten, they can use the minibus, self drive or with driver, to take members to fixtures, events or outings. The minibus is fitted with a lift and wheel chair friendly.”“It is planned for the minibus to made available to provide daytime outings for the infirm or elderly to visit places of interest, have tea and cakes, and a really good social chat.
An opportunity recently arose whereby the Projects were able to buy an unwanted minibus from the RSVP charity who no longer needed it. They were able to pay for it out of Projects bank account, but this money needs to be replaced.
Rob Chuter, Community Projects Chairman, comments “This is a bit of a home coming for the minibus, originally it was the Ventnor Community Minibus that was passed on to RSVP some two years ago. Now it’s making the journey back to Ventnor to serve the PO38 community again, where a team of volunteers are eager to put it into action”.
Rob is keen to appeal for more drivers to help, and advises that IOWCC 1 day minibus training courses are available for suitable drivers.
The Community Projects, who are situated in the centre of town (1 Albert Street) work hard to develop activities and facilities for the community, but can only do as much as the involvement of volunteers allows. If you feel you would like to give a helping hand or need details on the community minibus, please contact Rob on 853216.
If you would like to send a donation towards to minibus appeal, cheques payable to Ventnor Community Projects Association should be forwarded to Rob Chuter, 1 St Catherine’s Cottages, Ventnor, PO38 1TE.